Posted on November 11, 2019
ZX Spectrum Digital Tape Replacement
A project come true. After making the MZuitape for the Sharp MZ700 I set my eyes on the ZX spectrum and owning 2 x 48k+ units I designed a device that fits to the side of a 48k+ with the same design. I call it the ZXuitape

Similar to the MZuiTape the idea is to load up games on the ZX spectrum. The firmware is based on the TZXduino firmware . So the idea is you put Spectrum games in TZX file format on a micro SD card into this unit and load games that way.
After sellingthe first 3 units I realised that I could make the case slimmer.

It will work standalone with any spectrum but this version only screws to the 48k+. The next version which I’m working on fits the 128K+ toastrack.
If you want to buy one email me by clicking >HERE<